This architect and his wife are not into contemporary designs for their own home. We do not want to be featured in architectural magazines. We want a simple straight forward building, a place where we can just ‘be’ in a comfortable way. Apart from that we do not have the money for super conceptual design. We have not yet won the lottery…. 😉
The design of our house is based on a few simple principles: space, contact with outside, comfort, safety en the ability to ‘be’ with guests without compromising too much on privacy.
There once was a tiny holiday home in France. It’s one floor plan provided the basic idea for a layout in development:

from an existing plan, to a potential expansion, to a totally new house
And this resulted in a design for our project: open space with huge windows and sliding doors. Veranda’s (or ‘alpendres’) on both sides. They allow you to be outside during the summer rain. They will protect us from the blaring sun. The alpendres can be closed with shutters. For shade, shelter, and when we are away, for safety.
A large open kitchen with sliding doors. A bedroom for us with en-suite bathroom. A separate part with two bedrooms and an extra bathroom for guests. A large equipment room for all machinery. And outside a pool and a separate garage. All on the ground floor, and walker-proof. Very convenient also for the elderly among us!
A smooth white and comfortable box. Comfort consisting of floor heating for the colder times. We want a perfect air circulation and ventilation. This is quite a challenge for potential constructors and builders. Floor heating is unneccessary (said the guy who is working from his unisolated garage in his winter coat). Ventilation? (said the man who stuffed his house with dehydrators during the winter). Covered verandas? (said the man who installed enormous windows on the south side of his building and now tries to eliminate the heat with energy absorbing airconditioning). Oh well…
This architect knows very well what he wants. He dives into all matters and researches facts, to the very bottom. In the end it results into this design:

With great thanks to Marc Heesterbeek of ubikMH who made these beautiful renderings!