We started off very unconventionally. Usually a client finds a perfect plot, hires an architect to develop a concept for a building on this terrain. The other way around is how we did it: we have designed a house and then went looking for the place to build it on. Our requirements were that it should have tranquility but not be isolated. It should have a nice view to various sides. The land should not be to steep, as this would require extra preparations, and possibly unavoidable stairs in the building.
In order to buy your piece of land and construct a home on it, an enormous programme is being set up. You have to provide the officials with a lot of signatures on a lot of documents. To prove your legitimacy, you need a Portuguese citizen service number. You need to open a bank account. You provide the city government with a preliminary design for your building. Because, just suppose they reject your design, are you still willing to buy this plot? Your preliminary design needs to meet a lot of requirements. Are you allowed to build on this land at all, and if so, how and where. How is the infrastructure organised, and the necessary energy. Are there legal requirements involved? Can you simply take out the cork trees (no!) or do you need permits? Etcetera etcetera…
Time and patience
Once this is all taken care off, new quests begin. We have in fact no money and put up our house in Amsterdam for sale. Selling takes longer than we expected. In the end this is no show stopper, as in also takes ages to find possible contractors and builders in the area of Vilar. We definitely want to work with local people but we soon bounce into cultural differences. Almost every specialist we approach is willing to make an offer. But in the end they never come back with proper figures or solid plans. We don’t understand why. Do they think our plan is too complicated? Do they think it is disrespectful to simply say ‘no, I’m not able / interested / up for it’? Time and patience is of the essence. And in the end, when we allow ourselves to throw eagerness and haste out of our system, everything finds its way.
Get a grip
We research, find, and learn something new every day. No day is wasted, although it takes many days. We are en route, and get in contact with all kind of people and professionals who either provide information or direct us to new people and possibilities. Bit by bit we master our possibilities and impossibilities. We get a grip on foreseeable costs and alternatives, and learn to update our views, skills and solutions.
Now, spring 2020, nothing has been built yet, but we are ready to go. Just a few more approvals on a few more documents and requests to go. And one hell of a Corona crisis….