Head to toe (helmet to foundation blocks)

Head to toe (helmet to foundation blocks)

April 3, 2021 0 By Claudia

On a bright morning in spring Mr. Architect enters his building site to discuss the works for the coming week with the contractor. The contractor starts to laugh. The architect is wearing a building helmet. The helmet is red. Because red is the favorite color of his wife. So they purchased two nice red helmets. “No way, no way!” says the contractor. “That is not possible. You can not wear a red helmet! Each color corresponds with a certain profession. The red helmets are for carpenters, and the guys that make the formwork for the foundation!” OK?!? So there appears to be a certain pecking order. We quickly order the white ones!

Categoria Profissional e Cores dos Capacetes de Proteção

Encarregados e chefes de equipa = Branco (white)
Pedreiros e cimenteiros = Verde (green)
Carpinteiros e montadores de cofragem = Vermelho (red)
Armadores de ferro e ferreiros = Castanho (brown)
Canalizadores e eletricistas = Azul (blue)
Serventes = Amarelo (yellow)
Manobradores de máquinas  = Laranja (orange)
Apontadores, medidores e ferramentistas = Cinzento (grey)

Foundation blocks

The holes for the foundation blocks have been dug out. They fill it with a layer of concrete, and then insert a steel structure. Once that is fixed, more concrete is put in the hole, so that the concrete foundation is reinforced by the steel inside. This forms the base for the weight of a house.

Pouring the first layer

The concrete mixer is connected to another truck with a giant hose. This agile hose can be pulled from hole to hole by the concrete workers.


Trenches are dug for drainage. They put long sloping tubes in and fix these with concrete. So these will never move again! And hopefully it will be enough to prevent us from a soaking terrain.